The Man in the House
A man entered a house. There was no one else in the house. H walked into a room, stopped, and then slowly raised his hands above his head. After a moment, he turned around, let out a laugh, and left.
Here are some lateral thinking problems !! All what you need to solve them is to be creative... Think laterally!! PS: Ask me for answers ;)
shouf ya sidy...
i think he is in US, he went to some friend of his, and he went to his room, then the door was closing loudly and he thought there is a gun in his back, when he realize there is no one arround, he turnd quitly, he laughd of his silliness, he left!
he is a burglar and went to rob somebody's house. he heard something say "freeze" so he raised his hands, turned around and saw that it was a parrot so he let out and laugh a left.
Originally he entered his home looking for his hat , when he reached the room he remembered that it was on his head, he touched it, laugh and left
it was a mirror house. He saw him self in some sort of funny image laughed and then left
nice blog
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